If you like the content on my blog, one of my presentations, or enjoyed any…
I’m currently working on a multi-part series on technical writing. Specifically, I’m addressing some of…
I’ve written a lot about the metacognitive gap in digital forensics and incident response. As…
I’m currently seeking security investigators for a research study I’m conducting on cognition and reasoning…
When I first started the Rural Technology Fund in 2008 the goal was to provide a…
I came from a small town in western Kentucky where there wasn’t a lot of…
*Disclaimer: Psychology Related Blog Post* Joshua woke up on a frigid Friday morning in Washington,…
One of the problems we face while trying to detect and respond to adversaries is…
I spend a large part of my day studying cognition related to security investigations, which…
All of the royalties from Practical Packet Analysis and Applied NSM are donated to public school…